
Free Oak Saplings – Restore the Canopy

This Fall, Alderman Matt O’Shea and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District are providing free oak saplings to all Chicagoans.  These saplings, which are approximately six to ten inches tall, can be reserved online at, and will be available for pickup on Sunday, September 29, 2019 at the 95th Street Farmers Market from 10:00am -12:00pm.  Instructions for planting and care will also be provided.

The tree population throughout the City has been decimated by emerald ash borer infestations and extreme weather.  Oak trees help provide an energy saving green canopy for the community and help absorb rainwater that might otherwise flow into the sewer system and possibly flood residential basements.  A medium size oak tree can absorb up to 2,800 gallons of rainfall per year.

Please submit your request below.


Free Oak Saplings - 2019

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