Town Hall Meeting
On Wednesday, September 23, 2014 , the 19th Ward, Mt. Greenwood Community & Business Association, Mt. Greenwood Civic Association, and Mt. Greenwood Residents Association will co-host a town hall meeting at the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, 3857 W. 111th St., at 7:00pm. There, Alderman Matt O’Shea and a representative from the 22nd District will provide an update about their work with community safety. A variety of city agencies and departments will also be present to address individual concerns from residents. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Moira Curran at (773) 238-8776 or moira@
Also, to receive information about community meetings and events like this electronically, please visit www.the19thward. com and sign up for our email distribution list.